Friday, November 28, 2014

Rehearsal Blog Update 11/28/2014

Dear Prep 3 Families,

Our Holidays With Cantabile concert and Prep 3 Winter Recitals are fast approaching! In this week’s blog are practice instructions and important updates about upcoming eventsPlease read carefully all information below and go over relevant details with your children – especially the section on what to practice!

Holidays With Cantabile 
Dress Rehearsal and Concert Information

Wednesday, December 3 Dress Rehearsal – mandatory for all singers!
Where: Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph, San Jose
Call time: 4:30pm sharp in the church pews - please allow additional time for traffic/drop-off
Release time: 6:45pm
Wear: warm clothing and soft-soled shoes (eg. Sneakers)
Bring: water bottle, nut-free snack, coat
Sign in: with Choir Parent at the curb - Cantabile volunteers will walk your child into the church
Sign out: with Choir Parent in the Vestibule - Cantabile volunteers will walk your child down to the curb to meet you

Saturday, December 6 Concert
Where: Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph, San Jose
Call time: 11:00am sharp
Concert: 1:00pm
Uniform: arrive wearing FULL Cantabile concert uniform including black socks (boys)/stockings (girls), black dress shoes (no boots please!), and hair neat/off the face
Sign in: with Choir Parent at the curb - Cantabile volunteers will walk your child to Parish Hall.
Sign out: in Parish Hall with Choir Parent - at the end of the concert, please follow the choirs to Parish Hall. Prep 3 singers should be picked up from downstairs.

Please ensure that you have already ordered your Cantabile uniform, worn for both the Holidays concert and the class recital. Children without the proper uniform won't be able to participate in the concert. Thank you for understanding Cantabile’s concert policies.

Winter Recitals at Foothills Congregational Church

At the end of each term, Cantabile’s Prep classes all have their own recital at FCC to showcase what we have accomplished. Please come and support your young singers by enjoying a performance of our songs, games, and activities. This is a relaxed and fun event that you don’t want to miss! All singers must come in their Cantabile uniform – please see instructions above.

Recital Times
Monday Prep 3: Monday, December 8, 5:15-6:30pm. (Please note that the time of this recital is later than the usual Monday class time in order to accommodate other recitals on the same day.)
Tuesday Prep 3: Tuesday, December 9, 5:15-6:30pm

Recital Potluck
It is a Cantabile tradition to follow our holiday recital with a potluck! Please sign-up to contribute by visiting the appropriate link below this week. Write your name and a description of the item you're bringing in the column of your choice. The categories on the spreadsheet are helpful suggestions, but feel free to use the "other" column and specify what you'd like to bring. Please ensure that all food items are nut-free. If your child has a serious allergy to something besides nuts, please email immediately.

Practice Instructions

ALL pieces for the Holidays Concert and Winter Recital must be COMPLETELY memorized for next week! Please listen to all practice recordings and videos as much as possible between now and our next class.

O Sifuni Mungu Choreography Practice Video:
Click HERE to watch me sing and perform the choreography for O Sifuni Mungu. Practice with this video as many times as possible!

Practice Recordings
Please download and practice all practice recordings you have received by email. You can also download them all via google drive HEREThey are:

- NEW: Solstice
- O Sifuni
- Sh’ma Yisrael
- Star Carol
- Hanerot Halalu SLOW version (to help practice text)
- Dormi Dormi
- Dance Gentle Willow
- Silent Night

Holidays Repertoire List:
-       O Sifuni Mungu (all choirs)
-       Solstice (Prep 3 + Intermediate)
-       Sh’ma Yisrael (Prep 3 + Intermediate)
-       Star Carol (all choirs)
-       Silent Night (all choirs)

Monday Recital Repertoire List:
-       Dormi Dormi
-       Dance Gentle Willow
  Sh'ma Yisrael
-       Hanerot Halalu

Tuesday Recital Repertoire List:
-       Solstice
-       Dormi Dormi
-       Hot Chocolate - click HERE for a practice video of this piece!
-       Hanerot Halalu

Happy Practicing and see you on Monday!

Cassie and Natalie, Prep 3 Conductors